Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
76.73 °F
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Shopping for the cheapest rate for Bucuti & Tara doesn't work...

Shopping for the cheapest rate for Bucuti & Tara doesn't work...

Shopping for the cheapest rate for Bucuti & Tara doesn’t work – and here’s why this is great for you.

We set our rates each year with thought and careful consideration. Our “no surprise fees” include accommodations, daily breakfast, wellness classes, WiFi, taxes, fees, tablet access and local calls. We believe in a fair value for all. For example, our customary increase in rates will not happen in either 2021 or 2022, rather we’ll hold them to our 2020 rates as travel continues returning to pre-pandemic levels.

Before you choose who you will make a booking with, check the rates on our website first. If you find a source such as an online website (such as ZenHotels or Prestigia), selling at a rate below ours, please know we do not work with those companies and will not be accepting your reservation through them.  We have strict policies against unreputable companies who undercut our rates. 

We issue one rate to all tour operators, agents and online companies - there are no specials or discounts with any one company.  When a travel company sells under our rate, we refuse their booking.  Be very careful you know and trust the company you book with. We have personal experience that these companies also collect a deposit or prepayment and guests have had difficulty getting any kind of refund.  If you have any questions about who our travel partners are, please ask: info@bucuti.com