Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
78.53 °F
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If you love what you do...

If you love what you do...

Lucky is the one who loves what they do because they don’t work a day in their life.  Is that how it goes?  Well, it is cliché for sure, but I feel so fortunate that I am a full-fledged member of this club. 

One of the favorite parts of my day is to read feedback from those who have recently returned home from our resort.   Some arrive in email survey’s that we send out the day after a guests’ departure, or on-line from Google, TripAdvisor or one of the travel companies who follow up after having made the reservation on a guest’s behalf.

This one has stuck in my mind for the past few weeks - we received it in Italian and thanks to Google, I was able to read the English translation and here it is:

“I am not a frequenter of resorts – I have stayed away from resorts but I honestly don’t want to go out from here, I don’t want to leave anymore. The pure ideal of the Caribbean experience, the staff that reveals happiness from every pore, and you cannot but inevitably be infected by it. A resort that makes its splendid simplicity its strong point with an immense beach to embrace it, to increase the heartbeats only to look at it, a blue where to get lost and get excited. I can’t say more about choosing this place, because this is how it should be, and I would be ready to swear this is the best place on this happy little island.”

Poetry, right? I’ve worked with Bucuti & Tara now for 32 years and some reviews stick.  Our Italian guests bring a level of emotion to their writing which causes me to pause a moment and take it all in.  I overflow with pride to be part of a team who can create that feeling for someone.  We all aspire to feel like this– and there it was…  Mind blowing. 

I start each day reading your feedback while breathing in the wonderful aroma of my first cup of fresh coffee and distribute it for action to our department heads.  Overwhelmingly, our reviews are cause for celebration and make my day.   Most elaborate their experience in detail, including the individual names of our team members who made them happen. 

We don’t always get it right, and not every review reads like our Italian poet, but we are grateful for each one because they give us the opportunity to improve and we have enabled significant and popular changes based on your comments.  New TempurPedic Beds, lighter - refreshed hallways, Tuesday evening Champagne toasts so our honeymooners can get together, menu changes, and the list goes on and on... 

I am not the only team member reading all the reviews – our Owner, Ewald Biemans reads every word, every day and personally replies to each one.

Please keep your reviews coming!