Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
78.53 °F

Health and Safety FAQ's

At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, your health and safety is our priority.  Read below for details on our health and safety protocols.

For information about Aruba entry requirements, click here. 


If you are traveling from Central or South America, it is very important to read this.

All the information below is an excerpt from our extensive, new Health and Safety Protocol manual:

Committing to the highest standards of cleanliness and disinfection, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort has implemented extensive new health and safety protocols in their operation to respond to the COVID-19 situation and to provide protection for our guests and associates.

Decades of heightened safety and security for guests and associates:

Certified by the worlds leading authorities for decades, Bucuti & Tara has long been certified by organizations that are focused on food safety and general processes of operation that integrate and prioritize health and safety on many levels.

Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort follows advice from health experts:

  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • The local Aruba Health Department
  • Consultation with credentialed experts at Horacio Oduber Hospital.

Staff Training

  • All Staff are fully trained on health and safety both in general and related to the pandemic.

Measures added include the following procedures, policies, and protocols:

Guest Arrival:

  • Pre-registration on-line from the comfort of home. 
  • Curb-to-room escort to guestrooms, observing a touch-less, socially distant safety protocol.
  • Welcome flute of Champagne will be poured and served on a tray where guests can pick up themselves, for a touchless delivery.
  • Guest Room or Suite will be sealed with a sticker post sterilization with no entries prior to arrival after the room has been sealed.
  • A warm smile and kind words will replace hugs and handshakes for those valued repeat guests accustomed to greeting staff in this lovely way.
  • Touch-less processes for all guest services with sterile keys and documentation.
  • Guest services information are detailed on our in-room video as well as our personal IPad in each room.
Guest Room and Housekeeping:

In addition to our usual, robust housekeeping cleaning service, complete sterilization of the guest room takes place prior to guest arrival using the most advanced technology available, using the following:

Guest Rooms:

  • Step 1. Environmentally safe, hospital-grade hydrogen peroxide cleaning solution continues being used, which is both EPA and LEED approved.
  • Step 2. An AtmosAir Rainier Summit ionizer treatment removes any mold, mildew and bacteria or viruses
  • Step 3. Sanidyne® Premium UV Portable Air and Surface Sanitizer treatment prior to checkin.
  • Step 4. HEPA air-cleaners, which have always been in each room, continue to provide the purest air on the island.
  • Public areas will be disinfected with Electrostatic guns to properly apply disinfectants
  • EPA approved sanitizing, cleaning & disinfecting products are used to disinfect of all checkout rooms including over 50 touch points including:
    All door handles, main door, closet door, balcony door and ALL pull handles, Iron handle, hangers, and luggage rack, microwave, water faucets, fridge handle, TV desk and remote controls, dresser drawer handle, light switches and thermostat, IPad, makeup mirror switch, safe box handle and keypad, drapery pull handles, Telephone and keypad, reading light switches, alarm clock, safety latches and peephole, trash receptacle, sink faucets and toilet handles, seat and cover, sink counter, TV remote control, hairdryer, weight-scale, light switches, towel dispenser handle, soap and lotion dispenser push plates, trash receptacle touchpoints, telephone set and keypad, lamp switches, air purifier and dehumidifier switches, center table, light switches.
  • Housekeeping service will only take place in the absence of guests in the room

  • Our laundry has always operated with the highest standards of cleanliness and with the new protocol, it has undergone a complete audit with multiple points of additional safety and hygiene implemented into general operating procedures.
Beach and Public Areas:
  • Electrostatic guns will properly and regularly apply disinfectants to public areas for disinfection.
  • Known for our peaceful, uncrowded, and tranquil atmosphere, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort is a low-rise, boutique resort with more space per guest overall. This includes the normal opportunity to walk to your guest room without encountering other guests. Multiple stairwells and elevators serve guests to allow private access to guestrooms in a quiet, uncrowded atmosphere.
  • With 25 feet between beach umbrellas on the beach prior to the new protocol, a peaceful and safe lounge on the beach has always been possible, however, additional distance is being created and additional beach cabanas and facilities to facilitate safety has been implemented.
  • Hand sanitizing gel-stations are present in public areas and in every guestroom.
  • Deep preventative cleaning of all public areas on a continuous, regulated basis and disinfection of all touchpoints including public door handles, elevator buttons, telephone sets, handrails, etc.
Restaurants and SandBar
  • Food preparation has been audited and re-tooled for a stricter routine to ensure complete health and safety
  • All servers and associates have been specially trained for a sterile delivery process of all beverages and food, as well as utensils
  • In-room IPads can be brought to the restaurant to place an order at the table, or guests can use their own mobile device and pull up our menu from a QR code reader.  Disposable menus will be available and ordering processes without close interaction.
Aruba’s healthcare facilities

Aruba is a Dutch Island, equipped with sophisticated healthcare facilities and professional and expert healthcare experts. And, as leaders within the tourism community in Aruba, we are fully informed, and we have full confidence in the public & private sector partnership managing this situation together, island-wide.

Please contact us for more information or with any questions you may have about our health & safety protocol: manager@bucuti.com

Health and Safety related FAQ's

Frequently asked questions about what to expect moving forward:

Q: Do you require that guests are vaccinated prior to arrival?

A: We no longer require guests to provide proof of vaccination to reserve, upon arrival or at our restaurant, starting April 18, 2022

Q: Are masks and gloves expected?

A: No, Guests are not required to wear gloves and masks inside or outside and our associates have been given the option not to wear masks and/or gloves.  Most of the resort is open-air and we offer uncrowded, wide-open spaces.  

Q: Will hotel associates wear masks? 

A: As of April 1st, associates will not be required to wear a mask, however, they have the option to wear one if they choose.

Q: Does Bucuti & Tara provide hand sanitizer?

A: Yes, and they are automatic, touch-free in all public areas, throughout the resort.  Hand sanitizing dispensers will be in all guest rooms.

Q: How are the rooms cleaned?

A: A 5-step process for rooms includes the best UV technology; Ionic treatment, HEPA air cleaners, and EPA-approved sanitizers to completely disinfect rooms.  Please see all the details on this page, above

Q: Are masks and safety supplies available

A: Yes, they will be available at the reception, the gift shop and Elements restaurant.

Q: How does my luggage get to my room or do I need to carry it myself?

A: Our attendant will deliver your luggage to your room

Q: Will chairs and sun loungers be sanitized between use?

A: On a regular basis with an electrostatic gun filled with hydrogen peroxide, EPA approved sanitizer.  Sun loungers are assigned for guests’ use for the day.  We have more loungers than guests. and fresh, clean covers for loungers are placed on reserved loungers.

Q: Do we have to share the elevator with others?

A: No, our small size and few floors allow for non-crowded elevators whereby guests can have the elevator to themselves, plus we have easy to access, open, ventilated stairways in both buildings making it quick and easy to get to your room as well.  We will inform and request that guests do not join other guests in any elevator.

Q: Are all Spa services now available?

A: Yes, the PURUN Spa has implemented safety protocols. They include capacity limits, sanitation guidelines to disinfect spa rooms completely, no-touch payment systems and sanitizer stations, and disinfection of all equipment prior to reuse. Associates will wear masks and gloves when appropriate or upon request.

Q: Is the Gym fully open and functioning? 

A: Yes, A complete plan to disinfect in place to allow safe usage of the gym. An industrial UV blaster will be in use as well as EPA approved disinfectant for COVID use.  Heightened cleaning schedules of all surfaces, including remote controls, yoga mats, gym machines, weights, equipment, etc are scheduled.

Q: Are handshakes expected?

A: No, we will have touchless services throughout the resort as well as social distancing practices.  As much as we wish to give our returning guests and friends welcome hugs and handshakes we will abide by safe and healthy practices.

ARUBA Pre and Post Arrival FAQ's

Please note that we continue to get more detail about the requirements below.  Please check this section often and at least a week prior to your departure to be prepared.  We stand by to walk you through the process. Contact us for info@bucuti.com for assistance.

Q: What is required pre-arrival to travel to Aruba?

A: All guests will be required to fill out an online Embarkation Debarkation Card (ED Card) and here is the link: www.edcardaruba.aw. 

Q: What is the airport experience like?

A: Masks and social distancing are optional

Q: Is travel insurance required?

A: Aruba COVID Insurance will no longer be required for arrivals beginning July 8th, 2022.  We continue to highly recommend that you secure travel/cancellation insurance to protect your vacation investment because we have very strict cancellation policies and do not make exceptions.

Q: How can I book private transportation from the airport to the resort?

A: We have a wide range of options for arrivals from VIP escorted service through the airport to a private black car or SUV or, simply a private company/car transportation. This is easily arranged through our concierge@bucuti.com prior to arrival.

Q: If I don't feel well, what help is available in Aruba?

A: Aruba has a state-of-the-art hospital with professionally certified and trained professional healthcare and is located within a mile from the resort.  They have experience with COVID and bringing dozens of COVID patients back to health.